Menden's Forgiving Nature

Once there was a village of weavers where villagers made blankets by cotton fabric. The prepared blankets were brought by an old gentleman, named Menden, to city market and whatever money he earned by selling blankets, he distributed equally to villagers by which they earned their livelihood.

One day a young boy, the son of rich textile trader of city, came near to Menden. He was jealous of the prestige of blankets which were prepared by Menden’s village, that’s why he came in order to denigrate Menden.

He picked a blanket from Menden’s selling blankets and asked its price.

Menden geniality told its price- Two hundred rupees.

The boy after doing two pieces of blanket said- I only want half of the blanket, what is the cost of this half blanket?

Menden calmly replied- Hundred rupees.

The boy again did two pieces of half blanket and asked the cost of another half piece of blanket.

Menden again calmly replied- Fifty rupees.

In this way, boy was doing pieces of blanket and Menden according to ratio was telling their price.

When the cost of small piece of blanket remained five rupees then that boy by showing arrogance of his wealth took out two hundred rupees and said- I want to show you that your value in front of me is only five rupees. Now take the price of your blanket, you will always remember that you met a wealthy person.

Menden refused to take money and said- Dear son, you haven’t buy blanket then how can I take money?

After insisting so much by boy, Menden didn’t take the money. Then boy realised his mistake, he earnestly told Menden to keep the money.

Menden said- Though the costs of my blankets are little for you, but the hard work behind these is much bigger. Whole year our village’s farmers grow cotton and their wives spin cotton to make cotton threads. Then whole villagers make blankets from cotton threads. Think, you have ruined how much people’s hard work! If you bought this blanket then I would feel pleasure but you have destroyed it. Can this wastage be fulfilled by your two hundred rupees?

By listening this, tears came out from boy’s eyes; he apologized for his behaviour and asked by falling at his feet- Why didn’t you stop me while doing this?

Menden replied- If I stopped then neither jealous removed from your heart nor you understood the hard work behind making of blankets.

In this way a normal weaver, named Menden, taught that arrogant boy to respect hard work.

Dear friends, If lesson is given to a bad person with mercy and forgiveness then it could change behaviour and bring that person on right path. Thank You.