Priceless Chaplet of Pearls

One day a teacher sitting in the park with his students was giving them knowledge about nature.

Then suddenly one of his students asked- Teacher, what is the importance of love in our life? Can we measure love?

Teacher ignored his question and began to complete his knowledge.

That Student waited for a moment and then sat down at his place. Then only Teacher asked- What have you wear around your neck?

Student told- This is Chaplet of pearls; the last sign of my mother. At last breath of her life she gave me it with much love and care; I always use to wear it.

By listening this, Teacher demanded for the Chaplet from him.

Student without thinking anything gave that to his Teacher.

Teacher immediately threw away the Chaplet.

All Students by seeing this were amazed and that Student shouted surprisingly on Teacher- What have you done this? Now I have to go in search of the Chaplet that is precious and priceless for me. Leaving all things, I have to search that at any cost.

Teacher calmly explained- You will find the Chaplet and along with that you will also get the answer of your question. Like the Chaplet of Pearls which was given by your mother is precious and priceless to you, in the same way Love has also important place in our life. The fear of losing the Chaplet tensed you; similarly, if love is not in our life, it will be difficult for us to survive.
Love is only by which life is going smoothly, so love is precious and priceless.

Dear friends, In modern world it is possible that everything can be compared but love is one which can’t be compared. We can’t measure the price and the importance of love, there is no scale to measure it. Love is life. Thank You.