Repentance of Bad Past

Lord Buddha was preaching in a village, people were quietly listening to their sermons, at that instant an angry drunken man came there to whom Buddha’s words sounded nonsense.

The drunken man listened for a while then suddenly began to speak- You’re a hypocrite; your job is only to fool people by making big talks. Your nonsense thoughts will not affect me.

Buddha was too quiet after hearing his harsh words. Seeing Buddha’s serenity his anger mounted more; he went from there by abusing Buddha.

Next day, when the man sobered up and his anger faded then his friends told him about his antics; he began to burn in the fire of repentance and by searching Buddha he reached the same place but Buddha with his disciples had gone to the next village.

The man asked nearby people about the Buddha and reached that place where Buddha was preaching. Seeing Buddha he fell at his feet and apologized for his mistake.

Buddha surprisingly asked- Who are you? Why are you apologizing? What’s the matter?

The man answered by weeping- Yesterday, in alcohol intoxication I misbehaved with you. I’m really ashamed; my life is full of dark; I’m sinner and very bad person.

Buddha asked- Can you change that nasty yesterday?

Man answered sadly- No, so I regret it!

Buddha explained- When you can’t change your immoral past then why are you regretting? The bad yesterday has been passed yesterday, you’re still stuck in your bad past! You have realised your mistake and repented also, now enter into present and make your life a new beginning. Instead of remembering your immoral past, improve your good habits.

In this way, leaving behind his dirty past he adopted the path of morality.

Dear friends, Both present and future are affected by remembering bad talks and nasty incidents of past. Do not lose today because of bad yesterday. Live in today; this is the effective and facile way to move forward. Thank You.