Three Clerks

In an Insurance company many employees worked. One day a gentleman, named Sylvester came to meet the boss of the company. Sylvester was the best friend of the boss. The boss introduced him to the employees and was showing him the whole company.

Then only Sylvester saw a clerk who was working in anger. Sylvester felt strange to see him; came near him and asked- What happened? You seem to be in great anger!

Clerk raged- If not do anger then what to do! I’ve completed all education; in spite of having higher degrees I’m working here on the post of clerk. I have very bad luck.

Saying this, first clerk again started working with the same mood.

Beside first clerk another clerk was working with a very upset and sad expressions; Sylvester came close to him and asked- What happened? You are looking much tensed?

Second clerk said gloomily- What to do; I’m working only to earn livelihood; there is not a single problem but lot of problems in my life, what I tell you!

Then Sylvester’s sight went on a third clerk who was working with a sense of delight. Sylvester came near him and said- Hello brother, you are looking so happy!

Third clerk replied- Yes Sir, I’ve almost learned the complete work of clerk. Now I’ll try for the post of Manager in some other company.

Sylvester asked- Are you happy with your work?

Third clerk excitedly answered- Of course, I’m very happy. I have learned this work, so in future when I’ll become manager then I can encourage the employees who will work under me. That’s why I do this work happily.

Sylvester was very happy by listening to third clerk, he thought in his mind- All the three clerks are doing the same job but there is lot of difference in their working methods from their perspective towards work. In this world, some people are like first clerk, they don’t get job according to their wish so they bite the bullet and curse their destiny. Some people are like second clerk, they work like stereotypes to earn only their livelihood whereas some people are like the third clerk, they work diligently and always have willingness to learn something new in their life; their aim of life is always big.

Next day, third clerk received a letter; when he opened that letter, he had no limits of his happiness, because that was the appointment letter for the post of Manager.

After consultation with the boss of company, Sylvester advised to give the post of Manager to third clerk by seeing the quality of his work.

Dear friends, Whatever work you do in your life, do it diligently and always aim big in your life. We achieve continuous success in our life by working with full dedication. Thank You.