There was a Jambul tree in a forest, beside it was a thousand
year old Sal tree which was strong and dense.
Sal tree had haughtiness of its health and strength; it
even didn’t talk to its neighbour Jambul tree.
One day, the leader of red ants came near Sal tree in
search of suitable place to make nest, and humbly asked- O Mighty Sal tree!
Your branches are huge, stem is strong. Can I make nest under you? My big
family would be secure in shade of your leaves.
Showing arrogance, Sal tree said– Don’t even think
also like this; go away from here, make your nest anywhere else.
Nearby standing Jambul tree requested Sal tree– Dear
brother, let it built its nest. The shade of your leaves will protect its
family from sun-rain, wind-storm.
Sal tree deteriorated on Jambul tree- Why are you
speaking in between? If you are having mercy on it then you give it place under
Jambul tree agreed on talk of Sal tree, and the leader
of red ants by thanking Jambul tree made its nest under it.
After some days, four woodcutters came there and began
talking to each other. Among them one said- We should cut this Jambul tree.
Then only, another person warned- Stop! Under the
Jambul tree are red ants which kill dangerous sting; that’s why we should cut Jambul
tree carefully.
On this, third person advised- Why don’t we cut Sal
tree instead of Jambul tree. Sal tree is very big, its stem is also very strong;
we’ll get lot of timber by which we’ll make more profit. We won’t profit much
by cutting Jambul tree. We should cut Sal tree; this would be much better.
All four agreed on third person’s advice.
As soon they started cutting Sal tree, it cried out
loudly for help!
Then red ants attacked on woodcutters; forced them to
run away from there.
After escaping death, when Sal tree wanted to thank
red ants then the leader of red ants said- Don’t thank us, thank to Jambul
tree. If it had not said us to save your life then we never would have saved
your life.
The pride of Sal tree was crushed; it apologized for
the mistake done in past due to its bad egoistically behaviour.
Jambul tree forgiven Sal tree by showing nobility.
Dear friends, Sometimes our popularity and the
feeling of being big make us arrogant and inexorable, due to which we get apart
from our beloved ones. Every time avoid hubris. Thank You.